- Edgar Cayce On Cancer
- Edgar Cayce On Cancer Remedies
- Edgar Cayce On Cancer
As a poultice it causes rapid suppuration in felons. The extract is said to have been used in chronic rheumatism and hemorrhoids. Authorities differ as to its value in cancer. Poke in the Cayce Readings o Edgar Cayce did not describe a specific action for poke. O Poke is mentioned in 49 readings between 1922-1943 with peak utilization between. Edgar Cayce recommended several alternative medicine modalties for the treatment of cancer. The most common was the use of the ultraviolet lamp which was typically used in conjunction with various forms of ash (animated ash, carbon ash, medicated ash) taken internally just before the ultraviolet light is applied to the body.
I had read what the Edgar Cayce readings had said about almonds “those who would eat two to three almonds each day need never fear cancer.” (1158-31) and thought that I really didn’t have anything to lose since the tumor seemed to be getting bigger. In profile, it reminded me of a goose egg. The unconscious Cayce believed there was a cure for every health problem, including cancer, in nature, providing that cure could be found in time. He seldom advocated operations, believing that surgery was much overworked.
Cayce's Causes ~ Therapy for Cancer
AUM~Sparky's Mystical Stepping Stones Psychic Readings of Edgar Cayce Please Consult a Physician For All Serious Illness It is hoped that this information is helpful to researchers, physicians, and patients in preventing, and treating these diseases. Attitude and Early Detection are Crucial!
Brief Summary : Cayce Found 19 Forms of Cancer. As the disease progresses a bacili, a germ, can be found in the blood. Blood Culture Reinjections are needed. Part of the rabbit contains a cancer medicine. Ulcers and bruises can turn into cancer. Carbonated drinks aid the development of cancer. Biotin is a helpful influence. Carbonated ash was suggested. Almonds are a preventative. Niccolite was suggested. Also use Cayce's wetcell or the impedance device, and consume salads.
[Sparky Sez : Avoid close proximity to powerlines and strong electrical fields. Plz read 'The Great Powerline Coverup' It shows a connection between exposure to these fields and certain cancers, eg tumors and leukemia. Now that big tobacco is paying the piper, its time to expose these people who placed money before health and truth.]
If suggestion has such power, imagine that of will-power, love and prayer! There is no death, we are gods, teaches scripture. Fear not!
Cayce on 19 Cancers: Causes ~ Treatment - 4977-1 [cancer] Well, too, that a culture be made of the blood, drawing same from the forearm, culture made, then injected again. This will increase the resistance in the system. Do that. Ready for questions.
(Q) Could an ulcer of the stomach several years ago have had anything to do with this cancerous condition of the tongue, and have I any symptoms of ulcer now?
(A) Some symptoms of the ulcer show; principally, however, in scar tissue, which produces the drawing or tingling sensation in the soft palate of the mouth. The ulcer in the stomach had MUCH to do with the present existent conditions.
(Q) Is the treatment for cancer that I am now taking (of radium and X-ray) the treatment I should have?
(A) The treatment that should be kept, as given, only adding those conditions as have been given. The heavy Radium Applicator added, which keeps a constant distribution of those forces as are given through the radium, and the heavy ray, see? Also the culture.
(Q) How often should the culture be made and given?
(A) Once each six weeks. (Q) Is there any local application that would be of any benefit?
(A) No. That's the condition as has been given. Were a local application, this could be made direct. It cannot in its position.
See, we have many various forms, and many various conditions as exist in the human body that produce cancerous and cancer conditions, see? In this condition we have here in this, this comes from both the condition existing in prenatal forces and from those of neglect of the minor condition existing in digestive system, with properties taken internally that irritated, rather than healing. THEN this condition arose. There are, as seen, about (there are more or less, or variations in them) nineteen various forms of cancerous conditions, see? varying from the soft condition, the eating kind, the bony or stony kind, and that of a malignant growth that blossoms in itself. Keep this from the blossom, and we will keep much of the condition allayed in system. Hence the culture.
- 1242-6 (Q) What is the disease known as cancer?
(A) As we have indicated in other information, there are many varied kinds of cancer. Nineteen - as we find - variations or formations, externally, internally, stony, and the variations that arise from glandular or organic disturbance, or infectious forces that arise from bruises or from all the various natures from which these come; each having a variation according to that portion of the system or its cycle in which the affectation takes place. - 1375-4 (A) As has been indicated, this is more of a sarcomatous nature in its reaction - or cancerous; and the activities are such that they are of the nature as to grow within themselves.
Ulcer is rather that of flesh being proud, or becoming infectious; while cancer is that which lives upon the cellular force by the growth itself.
- 281-15 (Q) [69]: How can one that is suffering from disintegration of cells, commonly known as cancer, be quickly relieved of continuous pain?
(A) There, to be sure, are many varied conditions that arise in and with such a disintegration. There may be created in such an experience (which, to be sure, becomes an individual condition) such vibrations that will allay, without injurious conditions to the mental abilities of the body.
That means through that which is not either a hypnotic or a narcotic, but is such that the vitality of the conditions in the body are made more in accord with the vibration created by the disintegration. Or, as we have given, were the condition able to be turned into constructive rather than allaying, it may be eliminated by that which has been termed or called niccolite. [See 4444-1, 2 and 2457-4.]
For general conditions there is a combination which will relieve without depressing the mental abilities. Put in capsule as this:
Oil of Eucalyptol..............1 minim, Codeine.....................1/80 grain, [1/8th? See 468-1 - cancer intestines case saying 1/8th grain.], Rectified Oil of Turp........1/2 minim, Oil of Pine..................1/2 minim.
Take this once each day. It is neither a narcotic nor a hypnotic, even though the small quantity of sedative that is a narcotic compound is added. Its content is changed by the vibrations of those that carry an electrical vibration in the combinations of the oil of wood (pine), eucalyptol, and the like.
- (Q) Is there any cause to be afraid of cancer?
continue to be kept by too great an astringent or too great an irritant. And then we may CAUSE such lacerations as for these conditions to become more alarming.
(A) No cause to be afraid of cancer unless the irritations (A) There, to be sure, are many varied conditions that arise in and with such a disintegration. There may be created in such an experience (which, to be sure, becomes an individual condition) such vibrations that will allay, without injurious conditions to the mental abilities of the body.
- 647-2 (Q) Is there any sign of cancer?
(A) No signs of cancer, other than the after effects of the character of disturbances that have been indicated. However, under such a character of condition, if irritations were caused - or violent or very strong astringents used - they would make for a reaction in these directions. But if there are the tendencies set up for the eliminations of these poisons from the system, with those conditions as indicated for the applications, it would be for the betterment of the body.
- 658-15 (Q) What diet will cure sinus, T.B., and cancer?
(A) This again depends upon the state, the attitude, the general conditions of the body.
You see (if there is desired an understanding of same):
In the concept of each individual entity it is made up of so many hormones of a positive and negative vibration. This is at conception, you see. It sets in motion the vibrations of the body. These are divided as they multiply through those periods of gestation, and as separation begins these are then with the first breath set as the vibratory force of that individual body - as each leaf upon a tree, each blade of grass - no two are exactly alike. The vibration, the activity, the reaction is different with each. For what is has been, is and will be. Now learn what that means!
And as changes come about, as the individual entity or body comes into association with other vibrations, it is its reaction, its choice, its use of will that makes the great variation in its condition. - 659-1 This, as we find, is a move in a direction in which improvements may be made in the general health of individuals where such tendencies of cancer are indicated.
As to any great value, as yet, in the preventing or the eradicating of conditions where these growths have reached such proportions as to be cellular forces in themselves, - this is yet questioned.
Biotin, as called, is found in the roe, especially of the shark and such fish, - more than it would be found in caviar or sturgeon.
This, of course, may be used as a means for removing those tendencies, and where conditions are begun.
Of course, as is understood, this disturbance (cancer) to the human body is of a different nature from many of the ills of the body. It, of course, is in many forms and characteristics.
Those forms that are external may be aided much by the use of certain rays or lights that destroy certain cellular force, and make for the ability of a healthy body in other respects to meet conditions.
Those forms that are of the nature where glands are involved, - as in the breast or the like, - may be removed, in some stages of same, by surgery.
Those forms that are of the internal nature, - as in the lungs, the liver, the organs of the body, - and especially the female organs, - are of another character.
These all represent or present varied problems.
Now, the use of Biotin in any of these conditions would be a helpful influence, for it creates in itself an element that changes the form of the vibration about the molecule of the blood, or the circulation through such areas.
It would be well that this research be carried on.
There are other sources, to be sure, from which helpful forces might be gained; and yet there is really the greater necessity of man's comprehension of ills as related to erring from the path of righteousness - or that of sin, and its relationships to all such conditions that are in the experience of man.
A form of vitamin may be obtained from certain nuts, - as the almond, - that would be helpful as a preventative. Also there may be obtained from the turtle egg those influences for longevity that may be created in certain cellular forces in the body.
All of these are worth considering; most of all, the spiritual aspects of same.
- 1359-1 (Q) By what name is this kind of cancer commonly called?
(A) A sarcoma.
(Q) What caused it?
(A) Breaking of tissue internally that failed to make for that of being covered sufficient by the low vitality in the system of the leucocyte. Hence it set up a growth in itself.
(Q) Is it a hereditary condition?
(A) Not necessarily a hereditary condition. There needs to be for others, where there are those reactions as from same, a building of greater plasms in the blood, see?
- 1800-30 Now, as for Carbon Ash:
This is a different product. This is to be burned with one a cored carbon, one a solid; and burned in an eighty percent (80%) vacuum; only the white Ash. This would be more expensive, of course; should sell for at least five to ten dollars ($5 to $10) a grain when it is sold, or when it is prepared. This is for internal conditions such as cancer, or conditions of the stomach where there are ulcerations or cancerous conditions. We will find that such conditions, if taken in time, will find the closest response through such properties. Cancer of the uterus or of the womb - these conditions will be found to respond to the Carbon Ash. But this will require, to be sure, long, long burning - and that which adheres to the glass is that which is to be saved; not the scrapings of the carbon but the actual ASH of same, which is then carrying in same those properties that are effective not only as a radial activity from electrical forces but as the higher vibration that is destructive to conditions that are of the nature such as in cancerous conditions.
The Animated Ash, then, has the larger activity; though the Carbon Ash - and that which may be combined from same - may eventually, with research, prove the greater boon to humanity. - 4695-1 IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, we find this deficient in the rebuilding properties and an excess of the white blood supply, with a deficiency in the red blood, and that bacilli carried in the blood stream showing the cause, the character, of conditions as exist in the system, for the system attempts to create that necessary to war against the ravages of the sarcoma germs in the blood supply. In this we find this produces the condition in blood supply, the condition over the whole system, and especially that as causes the condition in the circulation through the capillaries, producing then the specific condition as found in the cuticle, for with the system attempting to eliminate, and so much of the leukocyte forces used in the destruction of the bacilli in blood supply, the capillary circulation becomes clogged and choked, and dross left without the elimination being properly cared for.
IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, we find in this much of the condition of taxation, for with the vital forces in body being attacked by this bacilli, the nerve centers become depleted in their ability to function in the normal manner. Hence the tired debilitation at times that appears in the body, the feelings as if there is no use to fight against existing condition, lack of vital forces in nerve supply to meet the needs of the physical forces in the body.
IN THE ORGANS OF THE BODY, in brain forces body very good.
In the throat, lungs and larynx: In the portion of the throat at the base, or root, of tongue, we find this condition where cellular forces show the surrounding of those conditions producing the ravages in the system, first produced by too much of certain elements in the system as taken for cathartics, and with other stimulation produced the irritation that brought about the condition which separates itself, and became the germ forces as created in the system itself.
In the lungs, larynx and bronchials, these are very good, when we consider the condition existing in these portions of the body that function through the circulation as is passed in portions of the body thus affected.
In digestive tract, this we find kept subnormal by conditions in the nerve system, yet the body in its mental forces assists much in keeping these conditions better balanced in the system.
In the functioning of other organs, we find those of the system that produce the change in circulation by the action of that organ's secretions, as we find in spleen, pancreas, liver and kidneys.
All engorged to meet the needs of the system, a normal condition for existing conditions in the body.
These conditions may be assisted and the condition brought to that of little effect in system if cared for in proper manner. Then do this: We would take first in the system these properties:
Tincture Wild Cherry Bark...............1/2 ounce,
Tincture Valdalia [Stillingia]..........1/2 ounce,
Tincture Yellow Dock Root...............1/2 ounce,
Tincture of Poke Root...................1/2 ounce,
Tincture of Burdock Root................1/2 ounce,
Iodide Potassium........................3/4 ounces.
Sufficient simple syrup to make...........6 ounces.
Shake solution well to-gether until all is dissolved.
The dose would be half a teaspoonful four times each day, letting one dose be just before retiring, and apply to the body through the solar plexus center, and at the second cervical, the plates or vibrations that will be found in the Abrahams Osculator [Abram's Oscillator] for sarcoma germ. This will, within three to five weeks, reduce the condition to that of almost nil. Then the general health afterwards must be kept.
We will find through these forces we will bring the better conditions for this body, [4695].
Do that. [GD's note: See pp. 45-46 of YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIE, The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer-Treatment, by Harry M. Hoxsey, N.D. [Milestone Books, Inc., N.Y., 1956], listing all of the above prescription ingredients as basic medication by Hoxsey 'in all cases of cancer, internal and external.']
- 4977-1 See, we have many various forms, and many various conditions as exist in the human body that produce cancerous and cancer conditions, see? In this condition we have here in this, this comes from both the condition existing in prenatal forces and from those of neglect of the minor condition existing in digestive system, with properties taken internally that irritated, rather than healing. THEN this condition arose. There are, as seen, about (there are more or less, or variations in them) nineteen various forms of cancerous conditions, see? varying from the soft condition, the eating kind, the bony or stony kind, and that of a malignant growth that blossoms in itself. Keep this from the blossom, and we will keep much of the condition allayed in system. Hence the culture.
- 257-227 The first disturbances - as indicated here many, many, MANY moons ago - were caused by an unbalanced chemical activity of the assimilating forces, as supplied by the excretory and secretive functioning of the liver; which caused the segregation in the system of those disturbing influences that grew to be destructive in their activity. [GD's note: He died of cancer 12/7/68, after several operations thru the yrs. At the last it went to his liver; his skin turned yellow.]
- 325-20 (Q) What causes drawing in breast? [Incipient cancer of breast]
(A) This produced by accentuation of properties not eliminated properly from the system, and these having become the center, or the centralization of impurities, this acting as a reservoir, producing a hardening (no, not of a malignant nature, but that of rather the reservoir), and unless proper eliminations are kept in system and should this become bruised, or should the system become so depleted as to produce an extra AMOUNT of refuse forces not being eliminated in nominal channels, or this to become over exacting, as it were, in its call on the system, and acting not so much AS the reservoir - it might become to grow, and become a growth that would be detrimental. Could be turned into that of malignant nature, but not at present. NOT to be removed!
- 533-18 (A) No symptoms of cancer. Remember, for every individual physical body what might be sometimes called symptoms are ever present. But the breaking of cells, injury to some portions of the body, these are usually the sources and the activities that bring about such. The body here is growing more healthy and less susceptible to such disturbances.
- 569-4 Then, for the specific conditions as exist in the body at present time, we would keep those of the osteopathic forces to assist in eliminations, but making a more general condition, taking those properties of salts of tartar, or of properties that are of a saline nature that keep the intestinal tract open, using the antiseptics as are being used as local application to cleanse the broken tissue that it may heal properly. Keep away from meats or of those properties that give tissue that building force that creates of the cellular force in itself. [GD's note: Warning of cancer] Do that for the body at the present time. We find the general condition, in eyes, the condition in the general part of system, that bacilli as is being carried in the body, as has been given before, is lessened at the present time, for it has become centralized. These conditions and these properties for the system will assist in eliminating and bringing the body nearer to normal forces. Sulphur and salt of tartar may also be used. Should not get the body wet at such times, or feet wet, or too much exercise for the body. The body MUST rest more. Keep off of feet more while these properties are being taken.
- 583-7 (Q) Has the body a tendency towards cancer? If not, why the disturbance and itching of moles and beauty spots at times?
(A) The conditions as are produced about such spots are more from poor eliminations as are shown in the body and the nerve reaction as is seen, than that of the tendency towards cancerous condition - for, as we have given, cancerous conditions are where cellular forces have congregated on account of irritation, or poor elimination and irritation following, and the system attempting to relieve same sets up from broken cellular tissue the condition from within which becomes malignant. In this body there is not an indication at present of any malignant serum or tissue in the body. There are the indications of poor eliminations and misdirected nerve tissue, see? - 165-14 we go into that which affects the blood stream more direct, or that in which more of the more or less hidden bacilli is to be attacked, or the creating of bacilli to become destructive to other bacilli within the system.
- 165-14 6. (Q) Why have I been unable to get the proper ash?
- (A) This can be made in the manner as has been outlined. Because this is not accumulative in large quantities is no reason why this may not be continued to be gotten, for its VALUE is, as has been GIVEN, beyond MEASURE in many instances. Only needs the burning of the carbons in the manner given, and the ASH, or the burning of the oxygen of the air and the condensation will be the result.
- Cayce said if we eat three almonds a day, we need never fear cancer.
End of Cancer 1 ~ Click for Cancer 2
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Email: sparky@all-ez.comEdgar Cayce’s Prediction: Sound will Cure Cancer
Many years ago I fell in love with Crystal Singing Bowls by accident when I was at a yoga studio in Princeton. I knew from the second I heard the angelic sounds that CSBs would be a part of my life and I began to purchase the bowls for my own use. In time, I started hosting events with Crystal Singing Bowls and provided group meditation. It is a spiritual and physical healing experience.
The powerful Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are capable of producing pure, solid tones that are unrivaled in the singing bowl world. The Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls emit a level of angelic sound that reaches a much higher volume level than many of the standard metal bowls. This extra boost of sound makes these bowls ideal for deep tissue healing and transcendental meditation.
What are they made of?
The Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are made from over 99.9 percent pure quartz crystal, a naturally occurring element. The crystal is placed in a mold and heated to 4000 degrees. Because our bodies are also composed of a crystalline structure, using Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls for healing and meditation allows us to respond more quickly and favorably to the sound as therapy. This is why crystals are a key element in many different holistic medicine healing practices.
Musical Tones
The musical tones of the Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are incredibly smooth. The bowls are all divinely crafted in order to ensure that the pitch is solid and strong. The notes sustain for a generous period of time, making the bowls ideal for meditation and healing use.
The bowls’ soothing tones will hone in on your mental and physical ailments and help to diffuse them. These Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are also great for standard daily meditation and deep relaxation. It is nearly impossible not to relax when you are in the room with the angelic sound of the Crystal Singing bowls.
History of Sound
To understand the importance of sound in healing and meditation, it is important to first understand the history of sound. Sound has long been revered as a hugely important aspect of our existence. In fact, history tells us that for the Hindu people, the sound AUM was the first to exist in the universe, making it the all-encompassing sound or mother tone. After this mother tone was discovered, the previously dark universe was lighted for the first time. This major event led to sound being held with very high regard because of its power to improve the lives of the Hindus and to create sound so stimulating it shed light into the darkness.
In the beginning of time, according to many sacred texts, sound is named as being a major force of manifestation for all things. Rome, Athens, Egypt, India, China and Tibet have for thousands of years had vast knowledge of the power of sound for healing. In sacred texts, various writings indicated that therapeutic sound was a tool and a highly developed spiritual science, based upon the understanding that vibration was the fundamental creative force of the universe. While modern physics tells us that everything in this dimension is actually composed of tiny strings that vibrate at different rates.
Knowing this and knowing that science has begun to successfully prove that body functions can be altered by use of sound waves give us strong evidence supporting the healing powers of these breathtaking Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls. In fact, there are doctors currently using Tibetan Singing Bowls and Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls for sound and music therapy to help terminally ill patients deal with pain.
The sound of the bowls can stimulate deep into the body tissues which allows doctors to promote healing from within. The calming musical tones help to heal by reinstating the natural sense of balance and harmony.
When the body is suffering from a physical ailment, for example a failing kidney, the natural resonant frequency of sound that is produced by the kidney is reduced, creating an imbalance. With crystal bowls and Tibetan singing bowls, sounding the tone of the bowls can restore an ailing organ by projecting the sound into the body which helps to return the organ to a healthy resonant frequency.
Crystal Singing Bowls and Chakras
Just like the Tibetan singing bowls, the Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls can be used to help open and purify your chakras. The note of the bowl triggers focus onto whichever particular chakra it is attuned to. Each chakra resonates at a musical note, as does each Crystal Singing Bowl.
Root-C, Sacral-D, Solar Plexus-E, Heart-F, Throat-G, 3rd Eye-A, Crown-B.
Sound Science, Sound Healing
Sound will be the medicine of the future, according to the famous psychic healer Edgar Cayce. He also predicted that one day “Sound” would be a cure for cancer. There seems to be more and more information and scientific research that supports Cayce’s predictions which were reported over 50 years ago. There are many different forms and modalities of sound healing. Sound healing has a major impact on our health.
Whether you can hear it or not, everything is sound. Every object in the universe has a resonant frequency. From the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom, to the planets in distant galaxies revolving around the stars, everything is in a state of vibration, which means everything is creating a sound.
The entire universe vibrates at a certain frequency, including our bodies. Every part of our organs has its own specific resonant frequency, including every cell. These frequencies together create a personal harmonic vibration. When we are in a state of wellness, our vibration is that of an extraordinary orchestra. We then experience a feeling of balance and harmony.
When something within us is vibrating out of sync, the entire melody of the orchestra is out of harmony. The body then experiences a condition called “dis-ease.”
Sound healing can restore all of the body’s frequencies by projecting the correct resonant frequency to whatever part of the body is vibrating out of harmony. Sound healing can reset the frequencies of the body and help bring it back to a state of health and well-being. By rejuvenating and restoring the body’s own resonant frequencies, any imbalance ceases and healing occurs.
According to scientists, our genetic code has been found to be analogous to music. The repercussions to such studies suggest that sound can be used to heal us through our DNA.
Medical doctors continue to use sound frequencies for a variety of reasons. It has been proven to help ease pain, harmonize brainwave activity, relieve stress, treat fatigue, reduce anxiety, eliminate sleep disorders, overcome learning difficulties, correct vertebrae alignment and much more.
Edgar Cayce On Cancer
Deep relaxation is one result of harmonized brainwave activity. Various sounds have been proven to balance the left and right hemispheres of your brain which can lower your brain-wave activity, which reduces anxiety.
Various types of sound healing have also been used to dissolve substances, such as crystallized minerals in the kidneys. And a similar sound healing technique has been used to rid the body of unwanted bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It has been scientifically proven that sound has the ability to change molecules in very dramatic ways.
Sound is now being used by science throughout modern medicine and holistic healing. It begins perhaps with the ultrasound that is recommended by medical doctors for pregnant women and parents to view images of their unborn fetus. Ultrasound is used to treat kidney stones and to help the acceleration of healing broken bones.
Edgar Cayce On Cancer Remedies
Sound has currently been used experimentally to treat cancer patients. Modern medicine has done studies using a healing approach where sound frequencies have actually eradicated unwanted, unhealthy rogue cells. It appears Sound has become the medicine of the future and is on its way to curing cancer. It looks like Edgar Cayce’s prediction was right.
Very interesting post and something worth checking into; e.g., if you had cancer. Now it has me wondering: Did Cayce say something about sound curing hair loss? (One can hope!)
April 5, 2012 at 10:41 am
Edgar Cayce On Cancer
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